Project Events

Transnational Project Meetings

Transnational Training Activities

Transnational Training Activity C1
Poprad, Slovakia

May 26-31, 2019

The first transnational training activity (C1) was held on May 26-31, 2019 at the Catholic University, Pedagogical faculty, Department of Management, where 8 project partners took part from Slovakia (3), Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Denmark, Germany. The main coordinator SUA in Nitra presented by Dr. Jakub Berčík the concept of Output 1: "O1 - Methodology of data collection from the field of aromachology", followed with a discussion among the partners about joint indicators for creating the methodology of aromachology data processing. All participants talked about the current state and conditions for the application of aromachology in partner countries and discussed about potential places from application of aroma in each country. Main partner introduced the developing concept of a smart technology for data collection and processing focused on creating a reference database of aroma preferences and detailed explained all, how these technologies will be implemented into the practiced and areas. Followed training on evaluating software outputs measured with neuromarketing techniques was provided by Dr. Jakub Berčík. In a program, the participant visited Chemosvit Company and were a part of excursion and discussion about implementation of aroma in this company for obtaining of data, how aroma influence the employers in their daily standard work. Last day the partners were trained on emotion measurement methods, on consumer sensory analysis and on setting scent/aroma profiles.

Transnational Training Activity C3 


June 28 - July 2, 2021

C3 was organised by our partner university, University of Southern Denmark This was the last transnational training within this project and it was aimed at one of the main project outputs - Output 3 which was the development of smart aromatization unit. The first part the training was aimed at the summarizing of the acquired activities from previous trainings and multiplier events and processing the acquired data and protocols based on the collected biometric, neuroscientific and behavioral studies. The content of the training was also focused on discussing the development of smart aromatization unit by the main project coordinator with the necessary benefit of data mining and knowledge acquisition to explore the sensory perception of selected fragrances by consumers. Training contributed to the knowledge that researchers know and are able to operate smart technology and are able to solve and process relevant information data with elements of artificial intelligence represented by neuroimaging and biometric technologies to reveal their influence on physiological changes and brain processes of humans.
The content of the meeting was also the training and update on experimental results produced within the project on consumers' responses to odors using implicit and explicit methods to support the development of the aromatization unit. We were discussing the methodological advances in consumer neuroscience methods in the literature. Important part of the whole training was also the discussion about the additional project results and potential for future publication and collaboration opportunities. We were also discussing commercial opportunity and further development for smart solutions in aromachology in the partner countries as it was the last common meeting of all partners within this project.

Transnational Training Activity C4 


March 1-5, 2021

C4 was organised by our partner Miguel Hernández University of Elche in Spain. The C4 should be the final training, however, because of the pandemic situation there was a need to switch the last two trainings and so the C4 was organized before the C3. The aim of the training was the summarizing of acquired knowledge from previous activities, research and acquired project's goals with the aim of implementing the fragrances into the premises and educating of entrepreneurs in deployment of aroma marketing for the needs of their economic satisfaction leading to the understanding that aromachology is a modern phenomenon of the marketing tool. 

The C4 was therefore mainly aimed at the completing of the project Output 4 - the common monograph where all partners shall contribute. This summarizing and comprehensive publication designated for particular subject / impact industries and for the entire general and professional public was the main subject of common training discussions, as the partial project outputs and findings shall be published there, including the case studies for each industry surveyed. During the training mainly the tools which are to be used for the preparation of the monograph, instructions to authors, review process among partners and other important things were discussed. Partners had also the discussion about the state of the art on aromatization in the scientific literature. There was also a training on the organization and structure of contents and treatment of data from the experiments run by partners on the main topic as well as the analysis of the possibilities of designing and applying case studies about the topic. During the training the results of association test in partner countries were presented, and the ethical as well as legal aspects of aromatizing of food stores were discussed, as the research in the real conditions following the realized association test, shall be executed in two partner countries - Spain and Poland. 

Multiplier Events

Multiplier Event E1


December 11, 2020

The first multiplier event was originally planned to be held during the internationally renowned "Agrarian Perspectives" conference held annually in September, organized by the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague. However, due to the outbreak of the pandemic and the closure of individual countries according to the severity of the situation, the organisation of all multiplier events was transferred to the coordinator. The first multiplier event took place on 11 December 2020 online and it was entitled "What can aroma marketing do? Innovative research solutions in aromachology and consumer studies". The aim of the event was to present the content and focus of the project and to disseminate the sub-outputs of the project, to establish new contacts, to gather inspiration for biometric, sensory and neuromarketing research in aromachology, which in turn directly resulted from the research and training activities. The programme of the event included an introduction of the project to the participants by the main coordinator, followed by a presentation on the relevance of aroma marketing in practice. The next point of the programme was a presentation of the research of the partner university from Ružomberok entitled: Examples of Aromatization Research in Manufacturing. Subsequently, a panel discussion on the use of aroma marketing in the service and HORECA segment was held with the local coordinator of the partner company Aroma Marketing. Then, the topic of Aroma Research in Trade was presented to the participants, after which space was left for discussion, as the issue aroused high interest among the participants. The event was attended mainly by practitioners as well as teachers and students of final year of study of related disciplines to the focus of the project, where the knowledge thus acquired is likely to be used.

Erasmus+ KA2 SP NEUROSMARTOLOGY 2018-1-SK01-KA203-046324
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